I wanted to share some favourite recipes, I've made them many times over and people are always asking for ideas so I thought I'd put them all in one place. I've tried to add in a little context and personal preference, and will be adding to the list every now and again. Be sure to send any suggestions (or let me know if the links aren't working), and feel free to pass around.
Veggie, Salads, Sides
Quick & Easy
This is really tasty and doesn't really have too many ingredients. It's healthy too, I usually add spinach, poached eggs, or left over meat and toast for a more substantial meal, good on its own too though.
Quick & Easy
It calls for new potatoes, but any old potato works well if you give it a good wash and cut it up into 4cm chunks. It's half way between boiling and roasting, and you can add any herbs and spices you want to the bag, I usually go for lemon rind, garlic and rosemary or thyme.
Quick & Pretty Easy
I actually usually use regular curly kale as I find Cavolo nero a bit bitter, so good though, I also add defrosted peas which is amazing and more substantial.
Carrots, Dates, and Olives with Crème Fraîche and Frico
Takes a bit More Time, Pretty Easy
This takes a bit of effort but is so good, and looks great if you have people over.
Kimchi Fried Brown Rice, Leeks & Crispy Fried Egg
Quick & Easy
Such a good supper or lunch, you have to have the crispy egg with it too.
Quick & Easy
Perfect sauce for pizza or pasta, only takes a few minutes to put together, and is always my go-to.
Meat & Mains
Lamb Ragu with Carrots & Garlic
Easy prep, approx. 1.5 hours
Really indulgent and unbelievably tasty. I use 3 big cloves of regular garlic, and usually brown the meat more than it says.
Braised Lamb with Apricots and Cinnamon
Quick, easy Prep, 2+ hours
I make this with Lamb neck Fillets, which I just dice up into 1 inch cubes, coat in a little flour, brown off and continue with the recipe. So delicious, especially if you add chunky carrots and sweet potatoes half way through cooking.
Quick, easy prep, 4+ hours
A simple but really flavourful recipe. Ideal for batch cooking, or I usually just half the recipe.
Easy, 1+ hours
This is almost the equivalent to sous vide where you cook at a low temperature to ensure even cooking. Makes SUCH good ribeyes, I highly recommend. We usually do 30 mins at 60c.
Easy prep, 3+ hours
I've made this when friends have been round and they all loved it. I sometimes put mashed sweet potato on top which is also good. Just serve with steamed green veg.
Turkey (or Chicken) Meatballs with Kale in Lemony Garlic Broth
Easy, bit of prep & Quick
I make this with chicken, just buy boneless thighs and you can mince them up in a food processor or just chop it up with a knife. This recipe is so delicious and comforting, and can be made with summer or winter veggies.
Quick & Easy
We used just the marinade from this recipe for left over chicken and pork that was shredded after a roast and frozen. Just mixed the ingredients and reheated the meat in it to have in tacos - SO delicious.
Baking & Puddings
Super Quick & Easy
The most incredible banana bread I've even made or tasted.
Easy, 30 min proof
You'll need to scroll down a fair way to the pancake recipe. Obviously not ideal if you have no sourdough starter. But if you do, these are really amazing pancakes, and a great way to use up left over starter post feeding.
Favourite Chocolate Chip Cookies​
Easy, Refrigerating Overnight
Such a good and easy cookie recipe and my favourite at the moment. Originally on Ravneet Gills Insta in a video, so I've written it up for you (all credit goes to her though!). Highly recommend the complete chilling time so the cookies don't end up flat.
The best brownies I've made, I thought I'd over baked them, but after a couple of hours they'd turned amazingly gooey and delicious. The rye makes them really rich but not so sickly.
Fail-safe & Basic Sourdough Bread
Pretty Easy, 1 day
The first sourdough recipe I used and came out really well, amazing crust and rise, but not quite as nice texture as the recipe below as it's a drier dough (making the process less stressful) - still amazing and a good starting point.
Slightly Trickier (but tastier) Sourdough Bread
More Difficult, 1 day
Such a good recipe, my go-to now as I love this recipe so much. Bit of a lengthy read but it's worth it to understand why it works so well.
Quick & Pretty Easy
So so good exactly what it says on the tin and a perfect combination of cookie and brownie. Plus you don't have to put them in the fridge and wait ages, just bake straight away.
Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies​
Bit Tricky & Needs Refrigerating
Bit of a lengthy process but really good cookies, you can freeze the dough in balls and bake/eat the dough straight from the freezer..